Krafton, the South Korean company behind PUBG, on Thursday announced Battlegrounds Mobile India as its dedicated game for the Indian market. The new battle royale game is touted to bring a premium, AAA multiplayer gaming experience along with exclusive in-game events such as outfits and features. Battlegrounds Mobile India will also debut with its own esports ecosystem that will include tournaments and leagues, the company said in a press statement. In addition to announcing the details about Battlegrounds Mobile India, Krafton released a video teaser of the new game that suggests similarities with PUBG Mobile, which was banned in the country last year.
Battlegrounds Mobile India will be available for pre-registrations before its official launch in the country, Krafton said. The new game is projected to be exclusive to India, and its logo will feature the tri-colour theme to attract Indian mobile gamers.
“Krafton will collaborate with partners to build an esports ecosystem while bringing in-game content regularly, starting with a series of India specific in-game events at launch, to be announced later,” the company said.
The company also claimed that all data collection and storage of Battlegrounds Mobile India will be in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in India and for players in the country. This could be in response to the government concerns over data privacy and security on PUBG Mobile that eventually led to its ban in September last year.
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