WhatsApp is reportedly working on allowing users to create their own stickers. Currently, it only allows users to send stickers using packs provided by the Meta-owned instant messaging platform or through third party apps. The sticker-creating feature was spotted in the beta version of WhatsApp and is likely to reach the stable version of the app sometime soon. The report speculates that there could be special tools to edit the sticker. Furthermore, WhatsApp is reportedly working on extending the message deletion time to more than a week.
As per a report by 91Mobiles, WhatsApp may soon allow users to create their own stickers from within the app. As mentioned, the new sticker creation tool was spotted in the beta test version of the app and the report speculates it may reach the stable version of the app in the coming weeks.
The report suggests that the sticker creation feature could allow users to upload pictures to turn them into a sticker. It is also reported that WhatsApp may add customised tools to make the stickers funnier. There is no information about the release of this feature as of now.
Separately, WhatsApp features tracker WABetaInfo reported that the instant-messaging service is working on increasing the time limit until when a user can delete messages for everyone in the chat. As of now, users can only delete messages for everyone before 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 16 seconds. This limit is said to be increased significantly — up to 7 days and 8 minutes — in a future update.
WhatsApp was reportedly planning to have no limit to the message deletion time for users. The feature is said to still be under development and there is a possibility that WhatsApp may change its plan before it is rolled out for the stable versions.
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