Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max is the latest smartwatch by the company and was launched in India on Tuesday. The new smartwatch has been unveild a few days after Fire-Boltt launched its Ninja Max 2 smartwatch. It sports a 1.5-inch HD display in a rectangular dial. Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max smartwatch also features 20 sports modes and has a photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor to monitor heart rate. Alongside, it also measures the user’s blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and sleep. On a full charge, it is said to last for up to seven days.
Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max price in India
The new Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max is available to purchase for an introductory price of Rs. 1,899. It is available to purchase via the official website and Amazon. The Fire-Boltt smartwatch is offered in Black, Dark Green, and Rose Gold colour options.
Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max specifications, features
Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max sports a 1.5-inch HD (240×280 pixels) touchscreen in a rectangular display. The smartwatch also has support for more than 200 watch faces. There is also a singular side-mounted button for navigation. Being a smartwatch, it also has a few health monitoring systems. It can track a user’s heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, sleep, and meditative breathing. The smartwatch is compatible with Android 4.4/ iOS 8 or higher.
The new smartwatch from Fire-Boltt has 20 sports including running, walking, cycling, swimming, yoga, sit-ups, skipping, and more. Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max also provides users sedentary reminders, hydration reminders, menstrual reminders, alarm, and weather updates. The smartwatch also provides call, messages, and social media notifications. It also has a remote camera shutter along with music playback controls.
Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max has IP68-rating for dust and water resistance. Its lithium-ion battery is said to last for up to 7 days on a single charge and has a standby time of 25-days. It measures 43x37x9mm and weighs 32 grams.
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