Poco C50 will be launched in India in the last week of November, the company announced on Friday. The upcoming C-series smartphone is claimed to focus on camera performance, multimedia, and battery life, according to the company. Without revealing its first look, Poco has said that the Poco C50 will sport a sleek design. The handset was previously spotted on the IMEI database with the model number 220733SPI. Previous reports suggest that the Poco C50 could be launched as a rebranded version of the Redmi A1+, with a different camera setup.
On Friday, Poco announced that its next affordable entry — the Poco C50 — will debut in India in the last week of November. The firm has not delved into any details regarding this smartphone. A Poco handset with the model number 220733SPI was recently spotted on the IMEI database. It is believed to be an Indian variant of the Poco C50.
The report also claims that the Poco C50 could be a rebranded Redmi A1+ with an different camera setup. To recall, the Redmi A1+ was launched in India recently in October. Pricing for the handset starts at Rs. 6,999 for the base 2GB + 32GB storage variant. It is offered in Black, Light Blue, and Light Green colours.
The Redmi A1+ features a 6.52-inch HD+ (1,600×700 pixels) display with a 120Hz touch sampling rate and 400 nits of peak brightness. Under the hood, it packs a MediaTek Helio A22 SoC, paired with IMG PowerVR GPU. This smartphone runs on Android 12 out-of-the-box.
The handset features an 8-megapixel dual rear camera setup and a 5-megapixel selfie camera. The Redmi A1+ packs 3GB of LPDDR4X RAM and 32GB of onboard storage expandable via microSD card (up to 512GB). This handset packs a 5,000mAh battery with support for 10W wired charging. It has a thickness of 9.09mm and weighs about 192g, according to the company.
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