Fire-Boltt Talk Ultra smartwatch was launched in India on Wednesday. The latest smartwatch from the Indian wearable manufacturer sports a 1.39-inch (240×240 pixels) LCD display, and supports Bluetooth calling. The Fire-Boltt Talk Ultra smartwatch comes with support for over 120 sports modes and features heart rate and blood oxygen level sensors. The new smartwatch from Fire-Boltt comes with an IP68 rating for water and dust resistance.
Fire-Boltt Talk Ultra smartwatch price in India
The Fire-Boltt Talk Ultra smartwatch is priced at Rs. 1,999 and is available for sale via the official Fire-Boltt website and also via Flipkart India.
The Fire-Boltt Talk Ultra smartwatch comes in six different colour variants — Black, Blue, Red, Grey, Pink, and Teal.
Fire-Boltt Talk Ultra smartwatch specifications
The Fire-Boltt Talk Ultra smartwatch features a 1.39-inch (240×240 pixels) LCD display. The smartwatch comes with a Bluetooth calling feature letting users make and receive phone calls directly from the watch display. The smartwatch also features support for AI voice assistants like Google Assistant and Siri, according to Fire-Boltt
Additionally, the smartwatch also comes with 123 sports modes including running, cycling, and swimming. It also offers SpO2 monitoring, dynamic heart rate tracking, and sleep monitoring, among others. It also offers support for notification mirroring from a connected device. The Fire-Boltt Talk Ultra also has an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance.
The Fire-Boltt Talk Ultra also comes with built-in games. The Flipkart listing for the product claims it can last up to seven days on a single charge. It takes around 120 minutes for a full charge. The wearable has a smart UI Interface with over 100+ cloud watch faces. It also has smart controls that can track the weather, play games, get periodic reminders, along with controls for camera and music playback. The smartwatch measures 46.6×50.6×0.4 mm and weighs 80 grams, according to the company.
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