Lava Yuva 2 Pro has been launched in India today (February 21). The budget phone comes with a 6.5-inch HD+ Notch display and internal storage of 64GB. The device is powered by a MediaTek Helio G37 SoC. The phone was recently reported to have been selling offline in the country ahead of the official launch announcement. The Lava Yuva 2 Pro is priced at Rs. 7,999 which comes with 4GB RAM (expandable by an additional 3GB of virtual RAM). This model is the successor to the Lava Yuva Pro, which launched in India in October 2022.
Lava Yuva 2 Pro price in India, availability
The new Lava device is offered in three colour variants — Glass White, Glass Green and Glass Lavender. The Lava Yuva 2 Pro is available in a single configuration of 4GB RAM + 64GB storage with an additional 3GB of virtual RAM. Priced at Rs. 7,999, the newly launched device has an expandable storage of up to 256GB and runs the latest version of Android 12.
Lava Yuva 2 Pro specifications, features
The dual 4G-support SIM budget smartphone features a 6.5-inch HD+ Notch display with a 720×1600 resolution and 269 ppi. The Lava Yuva 2 Pro is powered by a MediaTek Helio G37 SoC.
The triple rear camera unit of the Lava Yuva 2 Pro is headed by a 13-megapixel primary AI sensor and two additional VGA cameras. The 5-megapixel selfie camera is accompanied by a screen flash and is housed in a centrally aligned waterdrop notch at the top of the display.
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth V5.1, and 4G connectivity are supported in the Lava Yuva 2 Pro, which also has USB Type-C connectivity. The phone also has a 3.5mm audio jack slot. The device packs a 5,000mAh Li-Polymer battery and comes with a 10W adapter in the box.
The Lava Yuva 2 Pro is 164.5x76x9.0mm in size and weighs 204 grams.
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