4-Step Approach to Mapping and Securing Your Organization’s Most Critical Assets

Cyber Security

You’re probably familiar with the term “critical assets”.

These are the technology assets within your company’s IT infrastructure that are essential to the functioning of your organization. If anything happens to these assets, such as application servers, databases, or privileged identities, the ramifications to your security posture can be severe.

But is every technology asset considered a critical asset?

Moreover, is every technology asset considered a business-critical asset?

How much do we really know about the risks to our business-critical assets?

Business-critical assets are the underlying technology assets of your business in general – and we all know that technology is just one of the 3 essential pillars needed for a successful business operation. In order to have complete cybersecurity governance, organizations should consider: 1) Technology, 2) Business processes, and 3) Key People. When these 3 pillars come together, organizations can begin to understand their business-critical assets – or the ones that are essential to the successful operation of your business.

The Importance of Focusing on Business-Critical Assets

Today, everyone knows it’s not possible to fix everything.

There are simply too many issues that are in need of remediation – from CVEs to misconfigurations, to overly permissive identities, and so much more. In this situation, organizations are left unable to answer the question of “where should we focus our efforts first?” And without a clear path to fix what matters most first, a lot of organizations take what I call a “cyber security spray ‘n pray approach” – without knowing what really matters, or what is the real business impact. They try to fix it all, leading to wasted time, effort, and resources. (If you want to learn more about the sheer impossibility of fixing everything, we suggest reading our recent report, The State of Exposure Management 2024 – looking at 40 million exposures, it highlights how managing exposures is more complex than ever.)

Download the report to discover:

  • Key findings on the types of exposures putting organizations at greatest risk of breach.
  • The state of attack paths between on-prem and cloud networks.
  • Top attack techniques seen in 2023.
  • How to focus on what matters most, and remediate high-impact exposure risks to your critical assets.

Luckily, Gartner has recently published a new framework, the continuous threat exposure management, or CTEM, framework that can help us see where and how to prioritize our efforts with the following statement: “CISOs must consider the following: What are the most critical and exposed IT systems … in relation to business processes.” Read more about it in Gartner’s 2024 Strategic Roadmap for Managing Threat Exposure, by Pete Shoard) This is why it’s essential to focus on business-impacting issues. It helps organizations become more effective and efficient, ensuring better usage of resources and efforts.

Another huge advantage, which may be even more important than the previous benefit? It ensures that security folks are aligned with the issues that concern the most for your company’s senior leadership. This leads to better communication and alignment with your business objectives, helping demonstrate that cyber security is about far more than protecting the organization’s digital footprint and instead is a true business enabler. It ensures that you cover and protect the technology assets that underlie your most important business processes and guarantees continuous risk reduction with strong ROI, related to your business-critical assets. To learn more about how to effectively communicate about risk with your board and CEO, check out our ebook,

Download the guide to discover:

  • The key things to convey when reporting: What can be compromised today?
  • What is the likelihood of that occurring, the potential impact and operational risk involved?
  • Top attack techniques seen in 2023.
  • How XM Cyber provides an unmatched tool for helping you report by crystallizing causality and answering all key questions about organizational critical asset risk.