Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Watch 7 and the Galaxy Watch Ultra at the Galaxy Unpacked event in July without the Pro and Classic variants. The watches were launched alongside the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6. The South Korean tech giant seems to be working on a new Classic smartwatch. The alleged Galaxy Watch 8 Classic model was spotted on the GSMA database. The upcoming model is likely to come with a rotating bezel. Additionally, a Fan Edition Galaxy Z Flip smartphone has also passed through the GSMA database. The new Samsung devices are expected to go official in the second half of 2025.
Online publication Smartprix reportedly found a listing for a Galaxy Watch 8 Classic model in the GSMA IMEI database with model number SM-L505U. This model number roughly aligns with the numbering convention of Samsung’s Galaxy Watch 7 and Galaxy Ultra models. The publication has shared screenshot of the alleged listing with the moniker of the wearable.
Samsung launched the Galaxy Watch 7 series earlier this year skipping the Classic or Pro editions. Instead, the brand released the Galaxy Watch 7 in two sizes alongside the new Galaxy Watch Ultra. Previous Classic smartwatches from the brand have included a physical rotating bezel.
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip FE Could Be in the Works
Additionally, the same publication also spotted the Galaxy Z Flip FE on the GSMA database with the model number SM-F761B. The suffix B in the model number is said to represent the international version of the phone.
The fan edition model is likely to debut as a budget-friendly foldable phone alongside the Galaxy Z Fold 7 and Galaxy Z Flip 7 next year. It is expected to run on Samsung’s in-house Exynos 2500 series chipset.
Samsung’s existing foldable lineup runs on Snapdragon mobile platforms. The latest Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 have a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Mobile Platform for Galaxy under the hood.